Free Test of MyLoneWorkers

Make sure your phone is connected to the Internet.

To test the lone’s workers functionality, just download the mobile application for lone workers.

Download free of charge the Mobile Application by clicking here, or from the Google Android or Appstore:

To monitor and fully manage your lone workers, just log in the web application (in case of desktop / laptop use):

or download MyLoneWorkers M.A.R.S. application to manage guard tours and patrols via your smartphone from here, or by clicking the buttons below:


  •  On your device use "demo" as worker id and leave empty the pin field.
  •  Please give some time to the app to find it's location through Cells, Wi-Fi or GPS. Make sure in settings of your smartphone, full location finding ability is enabled
  •  Press Start tour, Finish tour, TEST, SOS, or Scan the QR Code below or an NFC check point. You can also send incidents, pictures, sound recordings and text messages or your signature in real time. You can see the results immediately at the web application by following the next step or in your MyLoneWorkers M.A.R.S. mobile application.
  •  Login to by pressing the "Free Test" button. That's it!
  •  You can use the Advanced Web App for reporting and live alerting about missed, out of schedule or even out of order check point scans.
  • A really unique real time system!


  •  Be sure to activate GSM or WiFi.
  •  The demo account is fully functional, but is provided only for testing purposes!

    You can use your smart phone to scan the QR Code and check immediately mobile application. Just scan the QR-code on the right!


    Every time you update the Mobile App through App Store it is highly recommended to clear the cache and clear the data through App Manager (Android), in order to avoid unexpected system behaviour